Propagating lemon trees for success

Propagating bearing lemon trees easily

Grow lemon trees at home! A tree that is cloned possesses all the characteristics of the parent tree. Our clone is a copy of the host lemon tree and will yield the same fruit. When planting a lemon tree from seed on the other hand, the result will not be the same as the host tree. While grafting requires some skill, marcotting or air-layering is simpler and the clone is guaranteed to have the same qualities as the host tree.

Learn how to clone a bearing lemon tree at home or commercially

Propagating lemon trees for success

Air-layering, marcotting or simply cloning your lemon tree is very easy We selected a suitable branch, about 10 to 12mm is an ideal size for a lemon branch. Branches that have a girth outsize this range will also work.

Our branch was prepared sometime in January / February 2024 and separated from the host tree in August 2024, the branch has had 7 to 8 months of root development. Generally most experts suggest three months for rooting before the branch is removed from the host.

Four or five months would have been adequate for the branch to develop roots, we kept it in place for too long.
Let us see how well the rooting system has developed.

The clone has been removed from the host lemon tree

The clone has been removed from the host lemon tree

Propagating bearing lemon trees easily…

Once the branch has been removed from the host tree, the wrapping should be carefully removed to prevent damage to the delicate root system. In our example, we use a sharp knife to get the job done. Box-cutters are also very handy for this type of work.

The root system

The clone has developed a very strong root system.

Propagating bearing lemon trees easily…

A generous and strong root system will increase the plants chances of survival. A good root system will absorb water and nutrients easily. When we prepared the pod for air-layering, we painted the stem with rooting agent in the form of a paste. No food should be added to the pod.

Propagating bearing lemon trees easily?

Lemon tree clone - all potted up.

The branch has been potted and looks strong. We will watch the cloned lemon tree to see how it progresses through the summer of 2024.
South African spring starts in August /September months. April and May makes our autumn, while June, July and August is our winter.
Some patience is required; soon this little branch will become an adult and bear plenty of juicy lemons.

Want to know more about cloning / air-layering?
Read this article:

This video discusses the health benefits of lemons with olive oil.

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